In the lower elementary classroom (first through third grade, or ages six to nine), the initial expectations are that the student will be able to accept guidance, he/she will listen attentively in small and large group lesson presentation and will be able to work in a cooperative learning atmosphere.
In most cases, the students making a smoother transition have been in a Montessori preschool learning environment; however, other students, who have not had the benefit of a preschool Montessori education are able to adapt when guided effectively by a qualified Montessori instructor.
Each student is assessed in order to provide her/him with a clear work plan which will be based on the student past knowledge or training. The plan provides a direction for the student and allows the teacher to guide the student in the concepts needed to review or learn. This also allows the classroom to follow the Montessori curriculum while continuing to meet (and often exceed) the standards set by the Ontario curriculum. The work plan and environment may be altered based on each student’s ability to follow direction, progress and other special requirements.
The students have the freedom to choose their subject of their liking on a daily basis, Math and Language have to be key when choosing. If a particular student is unable to handle certain freedoms or responsibilities, the teacher maintains the right to help the child to be successful and safe by taking those away until the child is able to handle herself/himself.
In a Montessori setting, students run the classroom, teachers act as role model, mentor and guide to clarify concepts, to introduce lessons that capture the student’s imagination and interest and to make sure students follow their work plan. From the first day of school, the students meet and discuss guidelines for class rules. Students who were in the class the previous year often remember situations that upset them, and these experiences may help drive the rules the children create together. The teacher/instructor also helps and guides when conflicts arise, calls meetings to discuss issues or challenges in the class in an open forum and actively communicates the students’ progress to their families.
Each student maintains her/his daily work on their own record books, notebooks divided mainly in the 5 core Montessori subjects. The students’ record books and papers are stored neatly in a storage space or cubby.
Although students do not have their own assigned work spots, they do have assigned areas in which to keep their belongings. Materials in the class (such as art supplies, papers, books) are for everyone to use and share.
This allows the students the opportunity to learn how to be patient and cooperate with others.
As it is in lower elementary, the teacher presents the work through concrete, hands-on materials and some form of abstract lesson presentation as the students in this stage are moving from a concrete to an abstract approach of learning. It is also the teacher’s role to help develop their academic potential to the highest level possible. The prepared environment fosters peace, tolerance for others and independence in a highly motivating atmosphere. This is an extremely successful combination that prepares the student for any other learning situation.
” All our Montessori programs are infused with the Spanish Language and nature curriculum. The Spanish language is taught through creative daily circles, storytelling, songs, music, art and more…..
Experimental Learning and discovery! Elementary students are involved in the planning, design and maintenance of our school garden.